袁端才,胡其高.《结构力学》分层教学的探索与实践[J].军事高等教育研究,2012,35(2):77-79 |
《结构力学》分层教学的探索与实践 |
The Exploration and Practice of Delamination Teaching of Structural Mechanics |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 结构力学 分层教学 青年学员 战士学员 |
Key Words:structural mechanics delamination teaching military students |
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摘要点击次数: 4867 |
全文下载次数: 4804 |
中文摘要: |
《结构力学》是一门重要的专业基础课,有一定难度,部分学员感到压力较大,学习效果不理想。为了提高《结构力学》课程的教学效果,针对青年和战士学员的特点,结合多年的教学实践,探讨了分层教学方法,为今后《结构力学》课程的教学提供了参考和借鉴。 |
Abstract: |
Structural mechanics is an important basic course.It’s difficult for some students to learn.In order to improve the teaching of structural mechanics,in the light of the characteristics of the youth and soldier students and the teachers’ many years’ practice,the delamination teaching method for the military students is analyzed.The experience is available to the structural mechanics teaching for military students. |
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