李修建,孔迪,刘菊.近代物理实验室的立体化发展探索[J].军事高等教育研究,2014,37(3):88-90,94 本文二维码信息
An Exploration of Modern Physics Lab’s Three - dimensional Development
中文关键词:  本科生教育  工程培训  实验室发展  创新实践能力
Key Words:undergraduate education  engineering training  development of lab  capability of creative practice
李修建 国防科学技术大学理学院 
孔迪 国防科学技术大学理学院 
刘菊 国防科学技术大学理学院 
摘要点击次数: 4781
全文下载次数: 4348
      In order to improve the support of the modern physics lab for the undergraduate education on strengthening the creative practice,some efforts were tried,i. e. utilizing the scientific research resource to optimize lab’s condition,developing topical experiments to realize united cross - subject training,extracting special subject training experiments to support creative engineering practice training. The lab will develop multi - directionally in range and quality,and will have fundamental experiments,research topic experiments and military special subject experiments. Furthermore,the lab will be able to serve engineers besides undergraduates,which will improve the support capability from undergraduate fundamental modern physics experiments to a higher level with new functions serving multi - level cross - subject united training and creative engineering practice training. The ways to develop the modern physics lab will be a good reference for the other undergraduate labs on how to match the up - to - date requirements of training bright people via lab conditions improving and role transforming.
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