王平,秦元岗,贾学卿.军队科研单位军民融合发展模式的思考——以国防科学技术大学为例[J].军事高等教育研究,2014,37(3):105-107 本文二维码信息
A Pondering over Civil - Military Integrated Development Mode in Military Science Research Institutions——A Case Study of National University of Defense Technology
中文关键词:  军队科研单位  科学研究  军民融合
Key Words:military science research institution  science research  civil-military integration
王平 国防科学技术大学科研部 
秦元岗 国防科学技术大学科研部 
贾学卿 国防科学技术大学科研部 
摘要点击次数: 6974
全文下载次数: 6121
      Civil-military integration (CMI) is of great significance for military science research institutions’development. CMI is the inevitable demand of science research’s integration,and also the unavoidable step to realize the national CMI further development strategy,and especially the necessary method to promote the transformation rate of science research results to pragmatic battle effectiveness. Basing on its pragmatic characteristics,National University of Defense Technology has been active to join the system,make good use of its advantages,spare no efforts to enforce the cooperation with civil governments,national defense industry enterprises as well as science research institutions,and has formed a civil - military developing mode of rich characteristics,which is of referential significance for other military science research institutions’development. This essay suggests military science research institutions to enforce civil - military integrated development in these three aspects: first,overall organization should be enforced and collective planning should be prepared; second,system rules should be perfected and inspiration system should be established; third,cooperated innovation should be furthered and the core technology should be grasped.
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