邓侨侨.科学英才的机构迁移与大学竞争力的关系[J].军事高等教育研究,2014,37(4):100-104 本文二维码信息
A Study on the Relationship Between Institutional Migration of Elite Teachers and University Competitiveness
中文关键词:  科学英才  机构迁移  大学竞争力
Key Words:elite teachers  institutional migration  university competitiveness
邓侨侨 上海交通大学高等教育研究院 
摘要点击次数: 4349
全文下载次数: 3581
      This paper adopts a quantitative approach to investigating the relationship between elite teachers’professional migration at different career stages and university competitiveness. It collects information of 2430 elite teachers defined by ISI Highly Cited Scientists database and employs university performance in the Academic Ranking of World Universities 2011(ARWU2011)by Shanghai Jiaotong University. This research finds that,regardless of their career stages,elite teachers tend to work at top ranking universities in ARWU. At their doctoral studies,higher ranking universities tend to train more elite teachers,and these teachers tend to stay and work in the countries where their degrees are granted. The higher ranking the university is,the less likely elite teachers may leave the position. Comparing the situation of elite teachers in China,we suggest that Chinese universities enhance research environment and conditions to train high - quality teaching and research force;and improve research quality to provide an optial environment for elite teachers development.
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