王瑞.从教学到教练:军事领导力培养模式的视角转换[J].军事高等教育研究,2016,39(1):27-33 本文二维码信息
From Teaching to Coaching:The Shifting Points of View on Military Leadership Development
中文关键词:  军事领导力  教练  模式转换
Key Words:military leadership  coaching  mode shift
王瑞 国防科学技术大学信息系统与管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 4071
全文下载次数: 4380
      Coaching is usually an activity,in which the coach inspires individuals’gifted potential and vocational potential to the maximum by leading thought-provoking and imaginative conversations. Traditional teaching mode follows the old routine of theoretical relaying and classroom teaching,so that there are rather many limitations in focusing on cultivation of practical leadership. Since 1980s coaching skills have been widely welcomed by enterprises and other organizations because they have focused on attitude,attached importance to causing behavioral changes and paid attention to aims and efficiency. The paper organizes ideas and explores the meaning,characteristics working procedure and main skills of leadership coaching,pointing out that coaching mode is significant for cultivation military leadership and proposing that military academies should improve the mode of cultivating leadership by applying coaching skills. The writer suggests that we should restructure leadership-teaching by coaching thoughts and that,relying on the “leadership-training-battalion”, we should develop cadets’ability in self-coaching,expand continuing education and train leaders of coach-type.
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