贾国瑞,赵慧洁,郭琦,刘慧兰.网络教学融入高校工科专业基础课的实践——以“光电子技术” 课程为例[J].军事高等教育研究,2016,39(1):96-100 本文二维码信息
网络教学融入高校工科专业基础课的实践——以“光电子技术” 课程为例
Practice on Integration of Online Teaching into Engineering Majors’ Basic Courses in Colleges and Universities:Exemplified by the Course“Opto-electronics Technology”
中文关键词:  工科专业基础课  教学模式  课堂教学  网络教学
Key Words:engineering major basic course  teaching mode  classroom teaching  online teaching
贾国瑞 北京航空航天大学仪器科学与光电工程学院 
赵慧洁 北京航空航天大学仪器科学与光电工程学院 
郭琦 北京航空航天大学仪器科学与光电工程学院 
刘慧兰 北京航空航天大学仪器科学与光电工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 4838
全文下载次数: 3961
      高校工科专业基础课在教学目标上具有“理论与应用结合,知识与能力并重” 的特点。但由于班容量大、课时有限,目前的课堂教学以“教”为主、“重知识、轻能力” 的问题比较普遍。以《光电子技术》课程为例,进行了网络教学与课堂教学相结合的方法设计,开展了利用课程网站、在线答题、QQ/微信群等网络教学工具支撑课堂研究型教学的实践探索,使得教学模式向课堂和网络相结合的方向转变。基于学生反馈和考核成绩的教学效果评价表明:学生能够适应也愿意接受这种以学生为“主体” 的教学模式,不断提高自身的学习能力和实践能力。
      Engineering Majors’ Basic Courses in Colleges and Universities take “theory combined with application,knowledge equally important with ability” as teaching objective. But as a result of big class capacity and limited class hours,it is now an ordinary phenomenon that classroom teaching is mainly composed of lecture and focuses more on knowledge than capability. This paper takes the course Opto-electronics Technology as an example,to design the combining method for the classroom teaching and online teaching,to practise research-oriented classroom teaching based on online teaching tools such as course website,on-line answer,and QQ/WeChat group. It makes teaching mode change to classroom-web-combined. Teaching effect assessment based on the students’ feedback information and scores show that students could and are willing to adapt to the new teaching mode,in which students are subjects,to improve their own learning and practicing abilities.
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