江先锋.个性化发展路径的实现:影响高校青年教师入校后职业认同的新因素[J].军事高等教育研究,2016,39(2):80-85,109 本文二维码信息
Realization of the Means of Individuality Development:A New Factor Impacting Young Teachers’Career Identification after Their Employment
中文关键词:  高校青年教师  个性化发展  职业认同  路径实现
Key Words:young teachers in colleges and universities  individuality development  career identification  realization of the means
江先锋 上海工程技术大学党委宣传部 
摘要点击次数: 4128
全文下载次数: 3686
      Young teachers are a special group of people who are creative and energetic in colleges and universities. Because of this unique background of growing-up and mental and physical features,individuality development is an important demand in their career plan. Exemplification studies indicate that at present individuality development has become a new factor impacting young teachers’career identification. There have appeared three obvious features in young teachers’cognition on individuality development:Their subjectively psychological expectancy is rather strong,but they are not sure of finding their niche in career. They have the same ideas of restraining factors at school level,but they have different understanding of their own shortcomings and limitations. To a greater degree,individuality development is still an ideal expectancy in stead of a factual choice of profession. In view of this,colleges and universities should further strengthen education and leading in young teachers’individuality development, build systematic space for young teachers’individuality development,and expand development channels for cultivation and increase young teachers’sense of achievement in self-realization.
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