夏军,胡其高,周明安,汪庆桃,任才清.四位一体“无柄手榴弹投掷” 教学探索[J].军事高等教育研究,2016,39(2):100-104 本文二维码信息
四位一体“无柄手榴弹投掷” 教学探索
An Exploration of“Four in One”Method about Hand Grenada Throwing Teaching
中文关键词:  四位一体  无柄手榴弹  手榴弹投掷教学
Key Words:four in one  hand grenada  grenada throwing teaching
夏军 国防科学技术大学指挥军官基础教育学院 
胡其高 国防科学技术大学指挥军官基础教育学院 
周明安 国防科学技术大学指挥军官基础教育学院 
汪庆桃 国防科学技术大学指挥军官基础教育学院 
任才清 国防科学技术大学指挥军官基础教育学院 
摘要点击次数: 7320
全文下载次数: 9450
      In response to organizing a competitive training of the hand grenade’s great difficulty,uncertainty and high risk,we formulate the ideas of the hand grenade’s teaching that integrates analysis, simulation,control and innovation,meanwhile we unfold the research. practice has proved that locating the knowledge structure scientifically and building an effective theoretical analysis resource pool could meet the demands of different professional learners. Following closely to the regulation of the training and applying the progressive simulating method could guarantee the quality of the training. Intensively researching the features of the training and developing a meticulous training supervision mechanism could make training more secure. Training in a way that is closer to the actual combat and with a more strict command,innovating training standards and reforming training content could improve the quality of military university,we could promote the military training in live ammunition,actual blasting and real equipment.
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