胡志刚,赵志鹏,刘鹏,毛元昊,郭力源,张兴.美军研究生教育的政策体系框架及解读(中续)[J].军事高等教育研究,2018,41(3):13-23 本文二维码信息
Introduction and Interpretation of the Framework of the Policy System of Postgraduate Education in the US Army(Part B)
中文关键词:  美国海军  研究生教育  配套政策
Key Words:the US Navy  postgraduate education  supporting policy
胡志刚 国防科技大学系统工程学院 
赵志鹏 国防科技大学前沿交叉学科学院 
刘鹏 国防科技大学研究生院 
毛元昊 国防科技大学前沿交叉学科学院 
郭力源 国防科技大学前沿交叉学科学院 
张兴 国防科技大学前沿交叉学科学院 
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      美国海军研究生教育配套政策的指导思想:研究生教育活动服从和服务于军队的人力和人事工作,人力和人事政策是美军研究生教育配套政策的核心内容。政策的实现途径:以部队作战能力最大化为主旨,以满足主旨下的军队人力需求为目标,以可获得的资源为约束条件;人力资源理论和技术的运用为主,辅以相关管理理论和技术,进行组织结构设计、责任主体配置及权责赋予,保证“需求主导” 的实质落实。政策运行的特征:美军研究生教育活动实际运行的逻辑起点在部队,而不在院校。这一重要特征的关键在于:研究生教育需求的提出与论证、专业培养规格标准的制定等,主要在部队(教育需求方),而不在院校(教育提供方)。
      The guiding principles of the supporting policies for postgraduate education in the US Navy are as follows. Activities related to postgraduate education obey and serve the military human resource and personnel work,and relate policies are the core content of the supporting policies for military graduate education. These policies can be implemented in the following ways. Maximizing the combat capability of troops being the major purpose,the target of military human resource and personnel work is to satisfy that purpose. It is also constrained by resources available. The application of modern human resources theory and development tools is the major focus,coupled with related management theory and technology and the combination of theory and practice. Then it proceeds to the design of the organizational structure,the allocation of responsibilities and the assignment of rights and responsibilities. The starting point of US military graduate education is the troops instead of the academies,which is quite different in China. The operation of these policies has the following feature. The one which requires and argues for graduate education and formulates professional training standards lies in the troops,the demand side of education,not the academies,the provider of education.
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