王雯鹤.基于BOPPPS教学模式的高校第二外国语课程教学设计探索与实践——以清华大学德语课程为例[J].军事高等教育研究,2020,43(2):115-120 本文二维码信息
Exploration and Practice of Teaching Design of Second Foreign Language Course in Colleges and Universities Based on the BOPPPS Model:Taking German Course in Tsinghua University as an Example
中文关键词:  BOPPPS教学模式  高校  第二外国语课程  教学设计
Key Words:BOPPPS model  colleges and universities  second foreign language course  teaching design
王雯鹤 清华大学语言教学中心 
摘要点击次数: 4257
全文下载次数: 8286
      文章首先对BOPPPS教学模式的内涵和特点进行了介绍ꎻ 随后以清华大学德语(第二外国语)初级(1)课程为例,说明了高校第二外国语课程的定位与教学目标,进而以德语(第二外国语)初级(1)“时间表达”一课为例,分析了BOPPPS教学模式在高校第二外国语课程教学设计中的应用及其效果;最后对BOPPPS教学模式在高校第二外国语课程中的应用实践进行了反思。研究表明,基于BOPPPS教学模式的高校第二外国语课程教学设计可以有效提高教学效率,提升教学效果,增强学生的持续学习动力,可为我国高校第二外国语课程教学改革提供一定参考。
      The paper firstly introduced the concept and characteristics of BOPPPS model. Next,taking German as a second foreign language(Elementary course 1)of Tsinghua University as an example,the paper presented the course orientation and teaching goals of second foreign language course in colleges and universities. Then,the application and effects of BOPPPS model in the course design were analyzed,taking as an example the lesson“The expression of time”in German as a second foreign language(Elementary course 1). Finally,reflections were made on using BOPPPS model in second foreign language course in colleges and universities. It was found that the teaching design of second foreign language course based on BOPPPS model could effectively improve the teaching efficiency,promote teaching effects and enhance students’lasting learning motivation,which provides reference for the teaching reform of second foreign language course in Chinese colleges and universities.
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