张鹏,王丹,施雯,张会如.军队院校青年教员教学培训需求调查与对策研究[J].军事高等教育研究,2021,44(3):72-78 |
军队院校青年教员教学培训需求调查与对策研究 |
Research on the Teaching Training Strategy Based on a Survey of Young Teachers’Training Needs in Military Academies |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 教学专业发展 教学培训 需求调查 对策 |
Key Words:instructional development teaching training survey of training needs strategy |
基金项目:陆军工程大学教育教学研究课题(GJ20ZD010);陆军工程大学教育教学研究课题(GJ20ZX094);国防军事教育学科规划课题军队专项课题“军校教员教学专业发展体系设计与支持策略研究” |
摘要点击次数: 2607 |
全文下载次数: 2692 |
中文摘要: |
掌握教员教学培训需求是提升培训质量、促进教学专业发展的前提。对12所军队院校的281名青年教员进行了问卷调查,分析了不同类型教员群体的教学认知和培训需求及其差异。结果显示,青年教员普遍比较重视教学,新教员存在一定的入职焦虑现象;各阶段青年教员均具有较强的培训需求,但对培训效果缺乏信心;青年教员总体上更期望培训更为直接的教学技能,但具有高级职称的教员也希望提升教育理论水平;青年教员认为提升教学能力最有效的方法是本专业内的优秀教员传帮带,希望培训中加强互动和实践;不同类型教员对培训内容的需求表现出一定的差异。基于调查结果,提出了开展教学培训的对策,包括:面向各阶段青年教员提供教学培训服务,基于需求差异组织培训,注重形成通用教学能力和专业教学能力相结合的教学培训体系,在培训内容上做到教学技能与教育理论并重,在培训形式上注重加强互动和实践,通过提升教学培训的专业性促进教学专业发展。 |
Abstract: |
Making clear the teaching training needs of young college teachers is vital to improve the training quality and then prompt the teachers’ instructional development. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 281 young teachers from 12 military academies to analyze how different types of teachers differ in their understanding of teaching and in their training needs. Results show that young teachers generally pay more attention to teaching,and new teachers have certain employment anxiety. Young teachers in all stages have strong training needs,but lack confidence in the training effect. Young teachers generally prefer the training of teaching skills while teachers of high professional title hope to learn education theory too. Young teachers consider learning from the excellent teachers of their major as the most effective way to improve teaching ability. They hope to have more interaction and practice in the training procedure. Different types of teachers have different needs for training contents. Based on the analyses above,the countermeasures of teaching training are proposed as follows. Colleges should provide teaching training services for young teachers at all stages. The training should be organized according to the different needs of young teachers. A teaching training system to train both general teaching ability and teaching ability of special courses should be constructed. Both teaching skills and education theories should be emphasized in terms of training content. Interaction and practice should also be strengthened in terms of training pattern. Teachers’teaching development will be promoted by improving the professionalism of the training. |
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