张文.面向岗位需求的空军院校本科专业教学改革[J].军事高等教育研究,2022,45(2):103-107 本文二维码信息
Reflections on the Post-Oriented Teaching Reform of Undergraduate Majors in Air Force Colleges
中文关键词:  战略转型  岗位能力  人才  院校  教学改革
Key Words:strategic transformation  post ability  talent  colleges and universities  teaching reform
张文 空军工程大学防空反导学院 
摘要点击次数: 2732
全文下载次数: 2942
      针对空军战略转型对人才需求发生的变化,紧紧围绕部队岗位能力需求,探讨了新时代空军院校教学改革的方向和重点。文章首先聚焦空军部队使命任务,瞄准一线部队人才需求和新质新域力量发展,提出院校需尽快健全人才培养体系,加强学科专业建设,规划课程体系设置。其次,要持续深化进行教学模式改革,牢固树立“为战育人”的教学理念,突出“学为主体”,创新教学方法和手段,不断完善实践教学体系,突出信息化技术运用。最后,针 对联合作战意识培养时机、培养方法,提出从军校生长学员开始抓起,使联合作战概念、文化、 流程等融入其中,加强实践教学环节,突出联合作战能力培养,更好地适应空军战略转型对新 型军事人才的需求。
      In view of the change of talent demand caused by the strategic transformation of the Air Force,this paper discusses the direction and emphasis of teaching reform in colleges and universities by centering on the demand of military post ability in the new era. Firstly,the article focuses on the mission and task of the air force,aiming at the talent demand and the development of new quality and new domain forces of the frontline troops,and argues that colleges and universities should improve the talent training system,strengthen the discipline and specialty construction,and plan the curriculum system as soon as possible. Secondly,we should continue to deepen the reform of teaching mode,firmly establish the teaching concept of“educating people for war”,highlight“learning-centered”,innovate teaching methods and devices,constantly improve the practical teaching system and highlight the application of information technology. Finally,in view of the timing and method of enhancing awareness of joint operations,it is proposed to start to integrate the concept,culture and process of joint operation into the training of cadets in the military academies. We should strengthen the practical teaching parts,and highlight the training of joint operation ability,so as to better meet the denabd for new military talents in the strategic transformation of the air force.
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