毛国辉,高娜.依法治军战略融入军队院校思政课教学探析[J].军事高等教育研究,2023,46(3):72-76 本文二维码信息
Analysis of Integrating the Strategy of Governing the Armed Forces by Law into the Political Theory Courses in Military Academies
中文关键词:  依法治军  军队院校  政治理论课  教学改革
Key Words:govern the armed forces by law  military academies  political theory courses  teaching reform
毛国辉 国防科技大学军政基础教育学院 
高娜 国防科技大学军政基础教育学院 
摘要点击次数: 2503
全文下载次数: 3940
      Organically integrating the strategy of governing the armed forces by law into the teaching of ideological and political courses in military academies is an important measure to timely promote the integration of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress into classroom teaching,and is also conducive to enhancing the great recognition among cadets of Xi Jinping’s Thoughts on Strengthening the Armed Forces in the New Era and Xi Jinping’s Thoughts on Rule of Law,and further laying a solid ideological foundation for obeying the party’s command and following in line with each other. In the teaching process,it is necessary to deeply understand the ideological significance of the strategy of governing the military by law,accurately grasp its scientific value,closely adhere to the educational and teaching goals of cultivating morality and educating people for war,clarify the key and the difficult points of integration,construct a three-dimensional integration model,and ensure that the Party’s innovative theory of“three entry”can be solidly and effectively promoted.
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