陈小前,赵勇,李星辰.基于CDIO理念的航天创新人才培养研究[J].军事高等教育研究,2023,46(4):11-17,23 本文二维码信息
Cultivation of Talents for Aerospace Innovation Based on the CDIO Concept
中文关键词:  CDIO理念  航天  创新人才
Key Words:CDIO concept  aerospace  talents for innovation
陈小前 军事科学院 
赵勇 国防科技大学空天科学学院 
李星辰 军事科学院国防科技创新研究院 
摘要点击次数: 1191
全文下载次数: 1159
      教育是国之大计、党之大计,从“培养什么人、怎样培养人、为谁培养人” 这三个问题出发,探讨了基于CDIO(conceive,design,implement,operate)理念的航天创新人才培养实践方法。剖析了符合新时代要求的创新人才特点,从创新人才培养的供给侧出发分析了我国大学教育的现状,从需求侧出发探讨了用人单位对创新人才的要求,分享了团队在建立“纳星研究生创新基地”和“天拓卫星俱乐部”过程中的成果与经验。最后,依托卫星俱乐部,提出了基于CDIO理念的航天创新人才培养实践体系,以实现培育符合新时代要求的航天创新人才的目标。
      Education is the great plan of China and the Communist Party of China. Starting from the three questions of “who to cultivate, how to cultivate talents, and for whom to cultivate talents”, this paper explores the practical method of cultivating aerospace innovative talents based on the CDIO (concept, design, implementation, operation; CDIO) concept. Characteristics of innovative talents that meet the requirements of the new era are analyzed, and the goals and requirements for cultivating innovative talents are clarified. While the current situation of university education in China is analyzed from a demand side, the requirements of employers for innovative talents are explored from the supply side. The team's achievements and experience in establishing the “Nano-Satellite Graduate Innovation Base” and “Tiantuo Satellite Club” are shared. Relying on the satellite club, a practical system for cultivating aerospace innovative talents based on the CDIO concept is proposed in order to foster talents that meet the requirements of the new era.
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