薛敏霞.大学生思政课获得感的内生机理及实现路径——基于心流体验理论[J].军事高等教育研究,2023,46(4):59-65 本文二维码信息
The Endogenous Mechanism and Realization Path of College Students’ Sense of Gain in Ideological and Political Courses—Based on Flow Experience Theory
中文关键词:  心流体验  思想政治教育  获得感  内在机理
Key Words:flow experience  ideological and political education  sense of gain  internal mechanism
薛敏霞 上海大学马克思主义学院 
摘要点击次数: 1148
全文下载次数: 1071
      The generation of college students’sense of gain in ideological and political courses is a process of positive psychological experience,and the theory of flow experience can provide important theoretical and practical guiding value for it. From the theoretical perspective of flow experience,the generation of college students’ sense of gain in ideological and political classes shows obvious characteristics of “flow”,which is represented by the psychological needs and expectations from the four dimensions of intrinsic pleasure,intrinsic goal,intrinsic order and intrinsic sense of meaning. Taking this as the focus point,the enhancement of college students’sense of gain in ideological and political theory courses can be realized in the following ways. One is to reconstruct the education relationship and strengthen college students’emotional integration with ideological and political courses. The other is to optimize content supply and lead them to set up scientific development goals. A third is to cultivate the perception of benefit and promote their intrinsic sense of meaning. By exploring the endogenous mechanism and implementation path of the sense of gain in ideological and political courses,college students’sense of gain in ideological and political courses can be effectively enhanced.
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