冯晓潇.RCEP背景下高等教育国际化政策工具模式研究——以日本、澳大利亚、新西兰为例[J].军事高等教育研究,2024,47(1):57-64 本文二维码信息
Research on the Policy Tool Model for Internationalization of Higher Education under the Background of RCEP—Taking Japan,Australia,and New Zealand as Examples
中文关键词:  高等教育国际化  教育国际化政策  政策工具  RCEP
Key Words:internationalization of higher education  education internationalization policy  policy tools  RCEP
冯晓潇 华东师范大学教育学部 
摘要点击次数: 938
全文下载次数: 998
      Japan,Australia,and New Zealand are the main destination countries for studying abroad within the new regional organization RCEP,and their internationalization policies for higher education are relatively mature,which are worth serving as policy references and cooperation basis. Based on the latest internationalization policy texts of higher education in the three countries,a two-dimensional framework of“policy tools • process chain”has been constructed for text analysis. This study found that Japan adopts an authoritative tool driven model that values the process of international recognition evaluation,Australia adopts a multiple tool collaborative model that values the process of international cooperation and exchange,and New Zealand adopts a symbol-based tool driven model that emphasizes both international cooperation and exchange and value goals. Based on this,China should optimize the internationalization policies of higher education in areas such as advanced planning of system strategies,building distinctive international brands,and promoting the diversification of indicator tools,in order to better integrate into the international exchange and reciprocity of higher education among RCEP member countries.
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