常静艳.我国本科拔尖创新人才培养路径建构研究[J].军事高等教育研究,2024,47(3):18-24 本文二维码信息
Research on the Construction of the Training Path for Top Innovative Undergraduate Talents in China
中文关键词:  拔尖创新人才  传承创新  大学本科  建构路径
Key Words:top innovative talents  inheritance and innovation  undergraduate education  construction path
常静艳 厦门大学教育研究院 
摘要点击次数: 77
全文下载次数: 131
      As the early cultivation chain of top-notch innovative talents,the concept and orientation of undergraduate education is directly related to the cultivation effectiveness of future high-tech leaders. Since the reform and opening up,China’s undergraduate training of top-notch innovative talents has gone through the practical exploration period of Junior Class,Base Class,Top-notch Program and Strong Foundation Program. Behind its evolution,it follows the evolutionary logic and essential characteristics of“inheritance”and“innovation”,showing stability and inheritance in strong foundation,elitism and structuralization,as well as foresight and innovation in national characteristics and orientation of nurturing,classified cultivation and multi-directional linkage. In essence,it is the inevitable choice of three-dimensional dynamic nesting of national strategic orientation,educational needs and propositions of the times. Therefore,under the current strategic goal and realistic mission of a nation of strong higher education,based on the existing practical experience,we should focus on constructing a closed-loop structure of undergraduate top-notch innovative talents cultivation with the synergistic and persistent force of the supply side,demand side,and result side,in order to strongly promote the growth of basic top-notch innovative talents.
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