冉承新,江小平.综合评价法在军校学员素质评判中的应用[J].军事高等教育研究,2012,35(2):58-60 |
综合评价法在军校学员素质评判中的应用 |
The Application of AHP-Fuzzy in the Synthetical Evaluation of the Cadet’s Quality |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 综合素质 模糊综合评判 指标体系 层次分析法 |
Key Words:synthetical quality fuzzy synthetical evaluation index systems hierarchical analysis |
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摘要点击次数: 5045 |
全文下载次数: 5040 |
中文摘要: |
针对军校学员素质综合评判的特点,构建了素质综合评判的指标体系;以模糊理论为基础,运用系统分析的思想,建立了多层次、多算子二型模糊综合评判的数学模型,对军校学员的综合素质进行评判,使评判结果更加符合实际。 |
Abstract: |
In view of the characteristics of the evaluation of the cadets’ quality,the index systems of the synthetical quality evaluation are established.On the basis of fuzzy theory,applying system analysis,a mathematic model of multi-layer and multi-operator binary fuzzy synthetical evaluation is constructed.The model is applied to evaluate the cadets;quality,which makes the evaluational results better correspond to reality. |
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