陈惠珍.用荣辱观心理机制克服“两课”教学逆反心理[J].军事高等教育研究,2014,37(4):67-70 本文二维码信息
Overcoming the Students Psychological Repugnance of “Two Courses”Teaching by Useing the Inner Psychological Mechanism with the Concept of Honor and Disgrace
中文关键词:  荣辱观  心理机制  逆反心理  两课  实效性
Key Words:concept of honor and disgrace  psychological mechanism  psychology  two courses  effectiveness
基金项目:中国矿业大学徐海学院教改项目(YA1320);河南省教育科学“十二五”规划2013年度立项课题([2013] - JKGHB - 0050)
陈惠珍 中国矿业大学徐海学院 
摘要点击次数: 4210
全文下载次数: 4344
      目前高校大学生在“两课” 学习过程中存在一些不利于学习的消极心理,其中最突出的就是逆反心理。为了提高我院“两课” 教学效果,本文剖析了逆反心理的心理基础即荣辱观的心理机制,而社会环境、“两课”教学本身及大学生自身等三个方面是“两课” 教学未能深入行为产生的心理基础而逆反心理的原因,最后从荣辱观视域下提出了克服“两课” 教学中大学生逆反心理的对策思考。本文研究的目的在于提高“两课” 教学的实效性,更好的发挥“两课”课堂意识形态教育功能,为社会主义现代化建设注入精神动力。
      At present,college students in“Two Courses”learning have some negative psychological tendencies,The prominent one is the repugnance. In order to improve the teaching effect of“Two Courses”of colleges,this paper analyzes the psychological basis of repugnance is honor and disgrace. The social environment,the teaching of“Two Courses”and the students themselves are three aspects influencing the teaching of“Two Courses”,which failed to go into students’behavior. So the psychological foundation leads to antagonistic psychological reasons,Finally,from the perspective of honor and disgrace the paper proposes the countermeasures of university students psychological repugnance of the two courses teaching from the concept of honor and disgrace. The purpose of this study is to improve the effectiveness of “Two Courses”teaching,to betterplay“Two Courses”teaching ideology education function,and to put into the spiritual power into the“Two Courses”for the construction of socialist modernization.
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