任仕君,杨雪娇.高校教学质量满意度调查_基于H省4所高校752名本科生的调查数据[J].军事高等教育研究,2017,40(1):68-75 本文二维码信息
A Survey on Satisfaction Degree of Teaching Quality of Colleges and Universities:Based on the Data from 752 Undergraduates at four Colleges in H Province
中文关键词:  高等学校  大学生  教学质量  满意度  调查
Key Words:university  college student  teaching quality  satisfaction degree  survey
任仕君 海南师范大学教育科学学院 
杨雪娇 海南师范大学教育科学学院 
摘要点击次数: 4413
全文下载次数: 4681
      We did a survey on students’satisfaction degree of teaching quality at four universities in H Province. The results showed that students’satisfaction with teaching quality is low,students’satisfaction with school resources is the highest,and students’satisfaction with school management is the lowest. Among the sub-factors of teaching quality,the highest proportion of the unsatisfied is school-running characteristics,the teaching funds,the training plan,the teaching method and recognition of the specialty. The highest satisfaction is the goal of university,extra-curriculum activities,teaching quality management system,teachers’scientific research ability and teaching enthusiasm and students’living conditions. There were significant differences in satisfaction degree among students of different grades,disciplines and schools. There were no significant differences among the sexes(except school resources)and graduating intents(except the school-running concept and teacher quality). The satisfaction of postgraduates is lower than that of undergraduates,and the lowest is the third-year postgraduates’. The satisfaction of students in law,agriculture and other disciplines is low. The satisfaction of students from A university is lower than the others,students from D university is higher than the others.
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