陈彬,谢旭,江小平.基于CDIO模式的研究生创新能力培养模型——以系统仿真方向研究生培养为例[J].军事高等教育研究,2019,42(4):53-57,63 |
基于CDIO模式的研究生创新能力培养模型——以系统仿真方向研究生培养为例 |
A CDIO Model for the Training of Innovative Ability of Postgraduates:The Case of Postgraduates Majoring in System Simulation of Control Science and Engineering |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 问题牵引 CDIO模式 五边形模型 大气污染物监测 |
Key Words:problem-leading CDIO mode pentagon model atmospheric pollution monitoring |
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摘要点击次数: 4497 |
全文下载次数: 4270 |
中文摘要: |
在产学研结合越来越紧密的背景下,基于实践的研究生创新能力培养成为高校工科类学科面临的重要问题。本文以控制学科与工程系统仿真方向研究生培养为例,提出一个基于CDIO模式的研究生创新能力培养五边形模型。该模型考虑了研究生培养过程中需要关注的问题牵引、课题驱动、学科交叉和工程实践四个重要方面,给出了研究生创新能力培养的解决方案。最后,通过化学工业区大气污染物监测和管理案例,给出了模型的具体应用,培养结果证明了模型的有效性。 |
Abstract: |
With increasingly greater integration of production,learning and research,the cultivation of practice-based innovation ability of postgraduates has become an important problem faced by engineering disciplines in colleges and universities. We propose a pentagon model for the training of innovative ability of postgraduates based on CDIO model in the cultivation of postgraduates majoring in system simulation of control science and engineering. This model gives consideration to four dimensions which are important in the cultivation process:problem-based learning,participation in projects,integration of disciplines and practice in engineering,offering a solution to the innovative ability training. The problems of monitoring and management of atmospheric pollution in chemical industrial park is used as the case study. The results validate the pentagon model. |
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