李冬,陈玄.以军种为维度的美军将官选拔晋升关键因素研究[J].军事高等教育研究,2022,45(1):1-10,35 本文二维码信息
Study of the Key Factors in the Selection and Promotion of General Officers in the U.S. Armed Forces
中文关键词:  美军  将官  选拔晋升
Key Words:U.S. Armed Forces  general officer  selection and promotion
李冬 军委训练管理部信息中心 
陈玄 军委训练管理部信息中心 
摘要点击次数: 2936
全文下载次数: 4618
      General and flag officers(G/FOs),as the military’s senior-most representatives,make decisions and provide counsel that have substantial bearing on the nation’s security posture. Their ability and quality directly affect the level of a country's response to future wars. Although the selection and promotion system of U.S. generals has something in common in the context of joint operations, there are great differences among various military services. The selection and promotion system of general officers is guided by the manpower resource policy of each military service,in which position category, working experience,source of appointment,education and training experience and other factors are decisive. Crucially, the role of each factor profoundly affected by service cultures varies greatly. A comprehensive understanding of the selection and promotion system of the U.S. general officers and its relevant background can help us better learn the qualities that the U.S. commanding officers should have. It can also provide reference for the reform and development of the training and promotion system of Chinese military forces.
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