马丽衡,胡清平,韩宏伟,孙春生.高素质专业化新型军事人才培养的课程教学改革与实践——以“光电图像处理与目标识别”课程为例[J].军事高等教育研究,2022,45(4):106-111 本文二维码信息
Teaching Reform and Practice for High-Quality Specialized New Military Personnel Training:The Case of the Opto-electronic Imaging Processing and Object Recognition Course
中文关键词:  教学改革  高素质专业化  双语教学  综合素质
Key Words:teaching reform  high-quality specialized personnel  bilingual teaching  overall quality
马丽衡 海军工程大学兵器工程学院 
胡清平 海军工程大学兵器工程学院 
韩宏伟 海军工程大学兵器工程学院 
孙春生 海军工程大学兵器工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 2523
全文下载次数: 2030
      Aiming at solving the problems in teaching the course“Opto-electronic Image Processing and Object Recognition”,starting from the demand of training high-quality specialized new military personnel under the military education policy in the new era,and requirement for teaching reform and innovation according to the newly revised education regulations for military academies,the teaching reform and practice for the course“Opto-electronic Image Processing and Object Recognition”were carried out. Aimed at improving the technical English level,a progressive bilingual teaching mode was adopted. In order to improve students’ability of doing research and applying the equipment,the teaching content was optimized. Multiple teaching methods,including exploration-argumentation mode,case teaching method and task driving mode,were applied to improve the teaching effect. Examination mode was innovated to assess the technical knowledge and comprehensive quality of the students. It has shown that the effect of teaching reform was obvious,which has significantly improved students’technical knowledge level and their application ability,and has promoted students’overall quality.
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