朱亚宗.才华卓异 垂范后学——忆中国巨型计算机之父慈云桂院士[J].军事高等教育研究,2023,46(1):53-62,85 本文二维码信息
才华卓异 垂范后学——忆中国巨型计算机之父慈云桂院士
A Role Model with Outstanding Talent:In Memory of Academician Ci Yungui, Father of Chinese Supercomputers
中文关键词:  科技领军人才  慈云桂  巨型计算机  科技攻关管理能力
Key Words:leading talents in science and technology  Ci Yungui  giant computer  executive talent in achieving scientific and technological breakthroughs
朱亚宗 国防科技大学军政基础教育学院 
摘要点击次数: 2063
全文下载次数: 2805
      As strengthening the country with talents has become one of the three major national development strategies, research into outstanding talents needs to be strengthened and deepened. This paper attempts to make an in-depth analysis of the leadership qualities and talents of Academician Ci Yungui, a leading talent in science and technology and the father of China's giant computer. As the leader of China's computer research and development team, he had a keen sense of the scientific and technological trend, an excellent executive talent in achieving breakthroughs, and an unusual wisdom in selecting and making research platform. His talents in leading scientific and technological research not only was an important guarantee for the successful development of China's giant computers but also has provided inspiration and reference for the selection, cultivation and use of China's top scientific and technological leaders.
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