汪长明,金雪.高校校园道路的文化指向、命名原则及价值释放——基于上海交通大学闵行校区道路命名实践[J].军事高等教育研究,2023,46(3):19-25,63 本文二维码信息
Culture Orientation,Naming Principles and Value Release of Campus Roads in Colleges:A Case Study of Minhang Campus,Shanghai Jiao Tong University
中文关键词:  高校校园道路  文化指向  命名原则  价值释放  校园文化建设
Key Words:campus roads in colleges  culture orientation  naming principles  value release  construction of campus culture
汪长明 上海交通大学钱学森图书馆 
金雪 上海交通大学党委宣传部 
摘要点击次数: 1871
全文下载次数: 2132
      The construction of campus roads in colleges is an important carrier and object of campus culture construction,including transportation and travel spatial network construction in physical dimension and cultural and value implantation in spiritual dimension. Scientific and reasonable naming of campus roads has the following unique functions:tamping the university soft power,enhancing the sense of identity and belonging of the teachers,students and alumni,and improving university cultural quality. For campus road naming,it’s essential to achieve the unity of historic significance and characteristics of the times,combining traditional charm and modern atmosphere,the unity of university spirit and its characteristics, combining ideological guidance with identity recognition,the unity of scientific spirit and humanism,combining upholding truth with putting people first,and the unity of self-consciousness and open-mindedness,combining individuality and universality in the process of infrastructure construction. The paper focuses on a case study of Minhang Campus of Shanghai Jiao Tong University,and concludes that it effectively implements and fully reflects the above principles of“the Four Unities,the Four Combinations”,and successfully guides the teachers,students and alumni to internalize symbolic representation of campus roads into their emotional conversion,identification and values. Its basic experience lies in adhering to the five principles of combination,correlation,resonance,systematization,and balance,which is worth learning from for other universities.
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